Sorry to have not posted in a while, but we were out of town this weekend. We promised Lisa (Andy's daughter) that we would come back to Quiche to celebrate her 11th birthday because they don't usually do much for them but they planned a big party for her. She had a sleepover on Saturday with a bunch of her cousins, friends from school, and 2 neighbor boys. A couple of Tomasa's sisters also stayed the night since they were helping out a lot with the party. The house was packed with 20+ people sleeping over.
We had a hairy ride on the chicken bus (our fastest driver ever, that didn't really slow for speed bumps) but we were happy to show our support. It was really nice to play with the kids and get to know more people in the community because we may see them on the streets, or possibly in our English classes! We played some very competitive games of Foosball which they call futios here. And I also snuck in a cascarone on Toby which was awesome! Cascarones are eggshells filled with confetti that people crack on each other's heads. They are very popular for parties and on Mardi Gras. Some people get a little meaner and fill them flour instead of confetti, or they even crack real eggs on each other.
Another cool custom we learned about is that it's typical for the party attendants to call out for the birthday person to take a first bite out of their cake (just with their face). This can turn ugly, as with the case of Lisa, when friends often shove your face into the cake when you go down for the bite. Needless to say, Lisa's face was cover in white cake and frosting. It was quite entertaining!