Well, after a quick and action packed 5 day stay in the Windy City and Eagle, WI, I am headed back in 6 hours to Guatemala. After arriving here in the States I had little time to relax before launching right in to taking the LSAT to enter law school. The day before the exam I made my way to Little Saigon where I had some excellent Vietnamese cuisine for a great price and bummed around the Northside in the Andersonville area of Chicago. Transitioning to live in the States wasn't too bad besides burning a hole in my wallet. It was hard to not chuckle how when I landed in Fort Lauderdale for my connection I had simply left Guatemala for Haiti/Cuba/Jamaica and then Chicago was simply a melting pot of everything. Basically I was a minority wherever I went (except for Wisconsin, chuckle). I will gloss over the exam saying it was tougher than many of the previous test which I had used to study and I did not do as well at I expected, though so far I do not know my results. Needless to say I am sure to get in somewhere and the test has not discouraged me from wanting to become a lawyer. After the exam I took the train for the 3rd time in my life to Wisconsin to visit my Uncle Randy and Aunt Camille in Eagle. The trip was the good comedown I needed after the test and was filled with wine, reading, pizza, beer (as was about everyday of the trip), and even a little fishing. I was happy to say that although the fish weren't biting I managed to catch one big Bluegill. Well, not too much more to report. I did some shopping for stuff to bring back that I am sure Brittany will love, including presents for birthday, anniversary, and such for the Mrs. along with taking in only a few sights. Special thanks goes out to Kristen Kaza, our cousin, who without meeting me prior gave me full reign of her car, apartment and just about everything. I couldn't have had such a smooth trip and test without her. You're the best! As for now I am off to try and sleep without worrying about my early flight (I need to leave in about 3 hours so basically i couldn't sleep and I am writing this instead) and am way too excited to go home and see my amazing wife who everyday I have wished was on this trip with me. For some reason things just aren't the same without her. Good thing I married her. See you soon Britt! Toby