Can you spot the dog in this picture? Chances are it might take you awhile to do so. This is because this particular dog is camouflaged while digging through a large pile of trash we recently saw during a walk around a local town, called Panajachel. This however is not uncommon. Frankly the entire situation of garbage in Guatemala is disgusting. Initially, the situation stems from the consumer... OF COURSE! Everyone litters and it is not uncommon to see people throwing plastic bags and bottles from the windows of houses, as well as moving cars and buses. In addition to this predicament, it seems that the Guatemaltecos have some sort of fascination with bags and will give you one no matter how little you buy, or even if you bring your own bag. We have gotten in the habit of saving these bags and reusing them when we purchase various things throughout town, however at times you have to tell the clerk or vendor about 4 times that you don't want to have a bag. Then comes the problem of what to do with your trash. Our city recently had a private outfit start collecting trash every week. They come around about 7am laying on the horn until the entire neighborhood has heard them, collecting whatever you want for about $5 a month. It took awhile to throw out (instead of recycle) everything from glass to metal and plastic, however we have been told that the garbage collectors always go through everyone's trash in search of materials such as these that can be sold in bulk. Recycling...I guess. If you elect not to have curbside pickup, your other option is forming a pile, like in the above picture, or burning your trash in the street at night. Nothing like watching the sunset, while the sweet stench of burning plastic and trash makes its way to your nostrils.
Thats crazy. I had to blow up the picture before I could see the dog. Way to incorperate games into your blogs =0)
this sounds like Peru, I just love it when people throw trash out the bus windows or you see the little trash burn pile that really doesn't make all that garbage disappear.
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