In an effort to bring you sharper, closer, and overall better pictures of our life and the adventures we face on a regular basis, Guatemalan Adventures (we) decided to upgrade our camera this week. With one last guaranteed opportunity to get a little shipment from the United States (hat tip to the parents of fellow volunteer Katie), we took advantage of it and bought a camera that we have been wanting for awhile off Amazon.com. I wouldn't normally mention who I bought it from, but after a chaotic experience trying to buy the same camera on buy.com I figured Amazon deserved a mention for good serivce and fast shipping. This camera has about 3 times the zoom, 4 times the megapixels, 3 times screen size and 4 times the capacity of the old one which was in need of replacing since we take a lot of pictures. Planning a two month trip through Central America at the end of our stay here, was also a pretty big motivating factor in the purchase. After hoping for this camera for Christmas, we finally resorted to buying it ourselves, figuring it was a worthwhile investment. We are picking the camera up this weekend on a trip to Antigua for Semana Santa, so we should be able to bring you some new pictures of the event soon.
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