Well, the title is pretty self-explanatory. We have been wanting to get a blog up about our little neighborhood mascot for some time now and just the other day as we were walking home from work with the camera, he decided to pose for us. Skin Dog roams around a few specific blocks in our colonia or neighborhood and can be often seen basking in the sun, eating scraps of food, and looking all around skinful. He is a dog with a gentle demeanor and without a lot of fur. Here's to you Skin Dog!
Having "met" Skin Dog, Joel and I are happy to see that you've put a post, or rather, an homage to Skin Dog here on your blog. Well done. Lovely shot as well! I must say, Skin Dog did not pose for us in such a valiant manner. That's a shame.
I'm so glad that you appreciate our "ode" to Skin Dog. He really is like our little neighborhood mascot. We're pretty shocked he's lasted this long due to the condition of his body.
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