Saturday, May 12, 2007

Feliz día de la Madre!

Happy Mother´s Day or Feliz día de la Madre to all you mothers out there!!! But, especially to our mothers LeAnn Piering and Nancy Phillips, and Brittany´s grand- mothers. We love you guys! Thanks for all the motherly support over the years.

On the 10th of May they celebrate Mother´s day here in Guatemala, so the festivities have passed...However, we experienced a night of restless sleep due to a van with loud speakers passing through the city blasting music and yelling Feliz día de la Madre to all the mothers of Quiché early morning on Thursday. Many people let off firecrackers throughout the early morning and rest of the day as well...quite annoyingly we must say. Toby also took part in the raucous of 2 different Bombero Voluntario (Volunteer Firefighter) parties that night during his first shift at the station, partly to celebrate the rival volunteers´new station and Mother´s Day.

Some other facts...are that mothers usually get the day off from work, or get paid double-time if they need to work. Children also get the day off from school to celebrate with their mothers and families. Pretty cool....maybe we should adopt that in the States?

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