Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

We just want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day today as we celebrate Día del Cariño as it is called here in Guatemala. For lunch, we went to the local crepe place for some delicious crepes and what turned out to be a filling meal after the owner surprised us with a third crepe as a gift for Día del Cariño.

At the office we had a chocolate exchange and cake, while playing a few games with everyone at the end of the day. Here in Guatemala the day is less romance-oriented and more focused on friendship. Drawing names for the chocolate exchange, Brittany was fortunate enough to have Toby choose her name (it really w
as random), so she lucked out with two Ritter Sport chocolate bars (DELICIOUS!). In addition to the chocolate exchange, Brittany was tasked with finding another activity to do as a group after a widely sucessful white elephant she led during the office Christmas party. Using her creative powers, and perhaps more importantly her googling powers, she put together a game of "Guess the Number of Chocolates" using an old coffee jar and loads of chocolate balls. That was about the extent of the festivities with a few other games tossed in and Toby keeping an eye out on one of the interns, Marcelina's, new baby for a large part of the party.

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