Thursday, April 17, 2008

No Electricity

This weekend past weekend Toby and I took a little trip down to Atitlán so we could get out of Quiché for a bit and eat some good grub. Unfortunately, when we arrived home we were without electricity, and it appeared to have been out a while since our freezer had totally defrosted and melted everywhere. Periodically we are without electricity for a few hours so we weren't too worried, we just threw on our headlamps and made out like we were camping.

On Monday we still didn't have power back by the evening so we asked our friends Matt and Heidi if we could come over and take some showers (ours is an electrical shower head). Upon returning home we talked to our landlady Fabiola about the electrical issue. They were unsure what the problem was and planned to investigate on Tuesday. The most frustrating thing about this is that only OUR house was without power. Supposedly it all went out in our neighborhood on Saturday and the electric company people went around to fix things but nobody was home at our house nor Fabiola's mom's house that we are attached to, so we weren't serviced.

All day Tuesday went by with no electricity. Toby and I were having to get creative for cooking since none of our food could be refrigerated. Luckily, we have a gas stove so we were able to at least use that to make some dinner. It was a good excuse for us to go to bed early!

Wednesday we solicited the help of Matt and Heidi again for the use of their shower and washing machine. Thanks guys! Of course they graciously invited us over and invited us to stay for lunch. Little did we know we would be preparing that lunch, however! Really, it was the least we could do since we kept mooching off of them. Thankfully that evening we arrived home to find there was power!!! But, we now don't have working cable... Ahhh Guatemala!

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